vincent posted in the group Soul Afrosensual
What does Soul Afrosensual mean.?
These are a handful shots from a recent First Sunday meetup. These along with a few more are all also in the camera club group.I chose these images to share here because they Are how I’ve come to define the visuals for the concept
vincent posted in the group Soul Afrosensual
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vincent posted in the group Nature Stroll Network
Nature embraces. Spring is back and I’m looking forward to going back to nature. Aren’t you?
Tyrell Jermaine joined the group Nature Stroll Network
William Farrow joined the group Soul Afrosensual
William Farrow joined the group THE YOGA GARDEN
William Farrow joined the group Nature Stroll Network
Ron Jones joined the group Afropunk is Afrosenual
Ron Jones joined the group Nature Stroll Network
Ron Jones joined the group THE YOGA GARDEN
Ron Jones joined the group Soul Afrosensual
Robert Evans joined the group Soul Afrosensual
Toni Walker joined the group Soul Afrosensual
John White joined the group Afropunk is Afrosenual
John White joined the group Soul Afrosensual
Blutifulhippie joined the group Soul Afrosensual
Blutifulhippie joined the group Afropunk is Afrosenual
Rafale Martin joined the group Afropunk is Afrosenual
Ochieng joined the group Afropunk is Afrosenual
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