pgp474: Ṣómìdé Dela Terre in a backyard interlude…
pgp473: interlude before the divine feminine
earthSista DamDivne…the diva no longer denied
earthSista TinyShines… a little passion in red & yellow
earthSista MuthaUniverse… waking up in his shirt
pgp472: a day of Black Fae…
A Day of Smoke and Roses…
earthSista Willow… giving you something to feel
Kahrosee… it only feels like summer
pgg471: Jazmine & Alexander’s first kiss
Moments of Bare Nature
Bare Nature is a new coffee table book collection project that we are starting in 2024 that reflects on the ongoing Nature Stroll Series in Pangea’s Garden. A free ebook of the first collection will be made available to all of the premium members of Panagea in January. If you are looking for your copy, send us an email at [email protected] and we will make sure you get yours first. This is the first step in our plans to cultivate the Garden, nurturing it’s growth and expansion. Premium members are Pangea’s Cultivators and we need your input and support to facilitate that growth.
We love you and appreciate you.
pgp474: Ṣómìdé Dela Terre in a backyard interlude…
The sun was high, casting golden rays over the backyard’s tall trees and wild grass. The Ṣómìdé Dela Terre...
pgp445: earthSista Sunflower… freedom blossoms interlude
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, bloom, blossom, earthSista, flowers, Kenya Durden, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nude, petite, studio, Sunflower, 1
Sunflowers always have to step into the light. It’s how they bloom. That is what this new earthSista did....
the moments after smokes and oils
vincent, , Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, Afrosensual Aesthetic, art photography, black love, Combi, earthBrotha, earthBrothas, Sekhmet, smoke, Smoke&Colour, 2
Late one night, in the cluttered photography studio, earthSista Sekhmet kicked back with new earthBrotha Stitch. After a few...
What is Healthy Black Sexuality?
AfroerotiK, , The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, african americans, black love, commentary, culture, Healthy Black Sexuality, intimacy, Scottie Lowe, Scotties AfroerotiK, sexuality, society, Zane, 4
By Scottie Lowe For all too long Black sexuality has been defined by extremes. We have been defined as...
Smoke… with GreenRose & FlowerChild
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, afrosensual, Afrosensual Aesthetic, art photography, earthSistas in the Garden, FlowerChild, GreenRose, GRFC, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nude, smoke, Smoke&Colour, 1
It was almost spontaneous… almost. In the wake of a NatureStroll, we simply decided that we wanted to create...
earthSista DamDivne…the diva no longer denied
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, adorned, afrosensual, art photography, bald, baldisbeautiful, boudoir, breasts, culture, DamDivine, diva, Divine Femine, earthSista, lingerie, masturbation, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nude, self-love, TCV Photography, yoni, 1
earthSista DamDivine stood in front of the mirror, her bald head gleaming under the soft light. Each curve of...
NubiaKitty… intimate moments of faith and sensuality
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, church, darkskin, earthSista, faith, flowers, intimacy, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, NubiaKitty, nude, passion, sacred sensuality, TCV Photography, Truecolor, wedding veil, 0
The moment earthSista NubiaKitty set foot into the church sanctuary, she was, inspired. In the midst of a crumbling...
Smoke… moments in the Garden honoring National 420 Day…
vincent, , earthSista Luna Moonuh, PGTV, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, 420, Aja, Amina, Anon TheGriot, AsmaraMaat, ChanelBlack, Crystal, Daniella, earthBrotha, earthSistas, hookah, Invictus, KING, Luna, marijuana, MJ, PrincessYEME, smoke, Smoke Day, Smoke&Colour, TCV Photography, weed, Wheatbread, YEME, 0
Vincent A while back, Pangea’s Fam had a smoke social at earthBrotha KING’s house. For us a Smoke Social...
pgp408: in that window down the hall
vincent, , Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, AfroSocial, Ashaunti, beauty, Behind-The-Scenes, curves, dark skin, earthSista, nude, Phoenyx, photography, silhouette, urban, urbanista, 1
We took a moment. In the midst of working on images for a forthcoming feature and the promo images...
Moments when love is love…
emeraldphoenyx, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, CrazyRaisinBuns, earthSista, interracial, lesbian, love, loveislove, Phoenyx, poetry, SistaLove, 0
How do you cradle tears and happiness in trembling hands? How do you remain vigilant when you have to...
420: A KinkySmoke Social Interlude…
vincent, , earthSista Luna Moonuh, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, earthBrotha KING, earthBrotha LOVE, earthBrothas, earthSistas, Gigi, Iamlivingaligned, Kink, Luna, Nobella, Nobella Creations, nude, smoke, Smoke Social, Smoke&Color, TCV Photography, Yariah, 1
Have you ever been in a smoke session and it got kinky? Kinky hotboxing can happen when you invite...
earthSistas in the Garden
earthSista DamDivne…the diva no longer denied
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, adorned, afrosensual, art photography, bald, baldisbeautiful, boudoir, breasts, culture, DamDivine, diva, Divine Femine, earthSista, lingerie, masturbation, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nude, self-love, TCV Photography, yoni, 1earthSista DamDivine stood in front of the mirror, her bald head gleaming under the soft light. Each curve of...
earthSista TinyShines… a little passion in red & yellow
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, afrosensual, Afrosensual Aesthetic, art photography, beauty, breasts, culture, earthSista, glamour, locs, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nude, photography, TCV Photography, TinyShines, 0earthSista TinyShines smiled brightly as she lay on the circular bed in the Airbnb. This day was going to...
earthSista MuthaUniverse… waking up in his shirt
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, afrosensual, beauty, black love, booty, boudoir, breasts, dark skin, earthSista, empowering, liberating, locs, masturbation, melanin, MuthaUniverse, natural beauty, natural hair, naturalbeauty, nude, self-love, sensuality, TCV Photography, 0MuthaUniverse woke up shivering at 5:43 am with her man’s tongue between her thighs. The room was cold so...
earthSista Willow… giving you something to feel
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, black woman, boudoir, earthSista, locs, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nude, pinup, seduction, sexy, studio, sultry, TCV Photography, tease, temptation, Willow, 0earthSista Willow took a moment to find her center. As she laid back on the gold blankets spread across...
The Afrosensual Aesthetic
Jay Faabulousone: A Muse on the Move
Sepia, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, art photography, Interview, Jay Faabulousone, Saddi Khali, 3A word to the wise: Never, ever tell 34 year-old model/actress Jay Faabulousone that she cannot do certain genres...
Juneteenth… take me to the river
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, What's Going On?, afro, Afrosensual Aesthetic, baptism, bare, Bishop, body paint, body positivity, bodyart, culture, earthBrotha, earthSista, Jabari, Juneteenth, Juneteenth2023, KarmenJones, Lakeside, locs, LolaLove, Makii, MissFaye, Muvasamxo, nature, Nature Stroll Series, nude, Prizm, river, RomanEnerchi, SaintSinn, TCV Photography, 0Take me to the river… On this day, 158 years ago in the island city of Galveston, Texas, the...
pgp103: the works and words of Saddi Khali…
kingcliff, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, art photography, black beauty, non-colonized mind, Saddi Khali, 2“i believe art can change the world. let’s make a difference. i’m tryna do work that looks like no...
pgp360: earthSistas and primal paint…a preview
vincent, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, Apache Cafe, Art Monday, Bobby Williams, bodypaint, Ororo, Primal Paint, WildOrchid, 0The earthSistas made an appearance at Apache Cafe again this month. This time earthSistas Ororo and WildOrchid were joined...
Afrosensual Aesthetic
Natural love
Just sayin'
Pangea's Camera Club
The Reggae Tribute with The CCCollective at Apache Cafe
Last month, the Creative Culture Collective honored the birth anniversary of Bob Marley with a Reggae Tribute at the...
At Last – Part 2 of 2
Part two of an AfroerotiK romance (The second half of the is wonderful story is too intense for the...
pgp442: LondonLevelUP’s Voodoo Interlude by Spencer Charles Photography
There are those time when you give into to you in that quiet moment in the dark. In this...
A Day of Smoke and Roses…
It started with the burning of red sage It was a smoke social kickback. Not an unusual experience in...
420 Hippies' Club
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Pangea's Art Prints
Sista love
Garden Moments
Pangea’s Lookbook: Yaya’s petals
“We wanted to create a story as a piece of art, using well-designed clothing and conceptual visuals pleasing to...
V Bozeman in Melody Ehsani Designs
Did anyone see these images last year? I happened upon one of them on Pangea’s tumblr page a few...