by Vincent

Do you all know who Tara Baker is? Hell, do you know who SuperFly is?

Tara Baker has been a friend of mine as well as an avid Gardner for a while now. She is a Crochet Fashion Artist whose designs have graced the Garden off and on over the past year. A lover of technology, she’s also been behind the scenes at some of the shoots creating video of various happenings. And while Tara’s also a fabulous jewelry designer, her crochet was the first inspiration that caught my attention. The 6-foot-plus, loc’d, amazon is an obvious presence in any group situation but her soft-spoken, light-hearted nature belies that impressive figure. She is a true artist who, like Badu, can be sensitive about her shit.

A little while back, I saw this video that she created and loved it. I had to share it. And I had to share a little bit (just a little bit) of Tara’s creative genius.

Is she trippin’ or what?

A couple of looks and a few words from Tara herself…

Hey, and make sure to check out her website!

  1. Sepia 15 years ago

    That was awesome…loved it! Go Tara!

  2. Azmera HarvestGirl 15 years ago

    i love da pictures..
    Hey vince.. wha gwan fa di harvest girl.. u change ur mind huh?

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