Years ago… a story was told of earthBrotha Masai asking a earthSista Lotus to twist his locs. It was...
Tag Archive for: earthSista
Nambi… a nature trail interlude
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, black beauty, black woman, breasts, dark skin, earthSista, Lakeside, Nambi, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nature, Nature Stroll Series, nude, 1This was Nambi’s spot. Following her initial nature stroll, the nubian beauty had a notion of an ideal spot...
A luvjonez foreplay – lil’ smoke & colour
vincent, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, black love, color, earthSista, foreplay, hippie, incense, luvjonez, nude, PrincessYEME, sex, Shemar, TREE, weed, YEME, 0Patchouli oil botanicals and dark temptation incense spice the air as YEME and TREE posed and played. Neon blue and...
pgp385: WildOrchid on 50 Shades
vincent, , earthSista blogs, The Pangea's Garden Project, 50 Shades of Grey, earthSista, Fifty Shades of Grey, luvjonez, WildOrchid, 0a movie review by WildOrchid Because people have forgotten the importance of picking up, opening and reading a book,...
PrincessYEME… a soul music interlude
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, earthSista, earthSistas in the Garden, nude, ole school, PrincessYEME, urban, urbanista, YEME, 2It’s just a moment. As the morning clouds hang heavy, threatening to spill their tears, YEME lounged lazily amongst...
RavenDesdemona… simply natural
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, earthSista, earthSistas in the Garden, es imageset, locs, Nature Stroll Series, nude, RavenDesdemona, 1It’s hard for me to keep it real and simple sometimes. Especially when I am dealing with what moves...
pgp375: a look back at Serene on the tracks
vincent, , Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, bodyart, bodypaint, earthSista, nude, railroad, Serene, urbanista, 0On a day like any other, some years ago, we took a little stroll down the railroad tracks with...
pgp374: a taste of Apache…
vincent, , Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, AfroSocial, Apache Cafe, Buttafly, Combi, earthSista, JadeFox, Ororo, SimoneMonet, Skye, Taj, urban, urbanista, WildOrchid, 0While all of our features are for everyone, this one is a special note for the artists and photographers...
Sekhmet… Newport100s
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, bald, earthSista, earthSistas in the Garden, es imageset, Goat Farm, nude, Sehkmet, Sekhmet, smoke, urban, urbanista, 1Kicking back in a creatively deconstructed pick-truck, earthSista Sekhmet (formerly known as BelaMenina) drew longs drags on her Newport100s....
pgp369: 30 Minutes in the Garden with JadeFox
Jade Fox, , Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, 30 Minutes in the Garden, Country, earthSista, JadeFox, PG30, urban, urbanista, 0I’ve always wanted to be a part of a sensual collective such as Pangea’s Garden. My nature is naturally...