vincent posted in the group Nature Stroll Network
vincent posted in the group CONSCIOUS PARTY
“Black people spend 2 Billion a year on Air Jordans, 4 Billion a year on liquor, 20 Billion a year in beauty products. Yet there is not 1 Black community in America with all 4 essential institutions. Black owned bank, school, super market and hospital.”
– Dr. Umar Johnson -
vincent created the group CONJURE CLUB
vincent posted in the group CONSCIOUS PARTY
vincent posted in the group NATURALLY FIERCE NATION
a little smoke… a little colour… we do this here….
vincent created the group NATURALLY FIERCE NATION
vincent created the group THE YOGA GARDEN
vincent created the group PANGEA’S CAMERA CLUB
vincent created the group ARTISTS LOFT
vincent created the group CURIOUSLY KINKY
vincent created the group 420 HIPPIES CLUB
vincent created the group PunkBlack Group
vincent posted in the group Afropunk is Afrosenual
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About me
Poet. Author. Spoken Word Artiste
PassionPoet is a lover of women and words – not always in that order! He loves to paint sensual images with his words and will always say, “Wordplay is my foreplay.” He is the writer of erotic poetry and novels and has five books on Amazon right now – EROTIC, SEDUCTION, OFFERING, QUOTES OF PASSION (poetry) and my debut novel MAKE IT RAINE
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