Last year we were playing around in studio with a big jacket, a ladder and a playfully dramatic dance of light & shadow with monochromes. As usual Vanisha is her typically inspiring self. She’s moved away for a while to perform in the Wiz in one Georgial coastal cities. And I miss her already. Follow her daily exploits at
pgp018: maurice and malika…
kingcliff, , Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, art, Maurice Evans, PrettyBlak, 1
Maurice Evans is a painter and photographer who marries both skill sets to create some astounding works. Humble ’til...
Radiantz…peeling back the layers
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, earthSista, nude, outdoors, radiantz, 2
Immortal Wisdom from Bob Marley “I do not try to be perfect and I know I’m far from it...
20 Questions with RaeOfLite
vincent, , earthSista blogs, The Pangea's Garden Project, commentary, earthSistaQ&A, earthSistas, RaeOfLite, 1
Impulsive and vibrant, her upbeat manner is positively infectious. RaeOfLite is ALWAYS smiling and laughing. This adventurous sista is...
earthSista Alluris… when beauty inspires…
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Events, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, african americans, afrocentric, AfroSocial, Alluris, Apache Cafe, art nude model, ArtMonday, culture, Honi Montique, jewelry, Maharajah Moor, Melanated Mineralss, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nude, Roots of the Garden, 0
Her first night. Alluris. On a cool Fall evening, earthSista Alluris stepped to the models’ podium at Apache Cafe...
Lookbook: moments By Natacha Baco
vincent, , Pangea's Lookbook, Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, afro, afrocentric, afrosensual, By Natacha Baco, culture, Diane Audrey Ngako, fashion, Jeannie Samnick, Lookbook, photography, 0
“grow your style, cultivate your difference” That is the slogan for the By Natacha Baco brand, a fashion designer...
pgg471: Jazmine & Alexander’s first kiss
vincent, , PGTV, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, Alexander, authentic, black love, first kiss, intimate, Jazmine, love story, real love, romantic, sound bath, 0
In a modest studio space in Atlanta’s West End, Jasmine playfully slid drumsticks on various sized white ceramic bowls...
Kwesi Abbensetts: raw sugar
vincent, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, afrosensual, Afrosensual Aesthetic, art photography, Kwesi Abbensetts, nude, sensual, sugar, 0
“egyptian molasses burnt sugar sweat black RAW drizzled agave citrus honey syrup brown honey musk cane juice sex“ –...
earthSistas, earthBrotha and when we play outside…
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, afrosensual, Chrysalis Sun, ChrysalisSun, couple, earthBrotha, earthBrotha KING, earthSistas, KING, lesbianlove, nature, Nature Stroll Series, nude, PrincessYEME, sensual, TCV Photography, We Play Outside, WildOrchid, 1
It was a day that nature embraced us. Free from the stresses of the week and the dysfunctional constrictions...