“The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl” is the online tv show that follows the title character and friends as she navigates through life, love and awkward situations. ABG is also universal. It’s a series with a black female character in the lead role, but at its core, it’s about being “awkward,” which is a unifying and universal thing that we all have experienced in some capacity. The lead character, J, faces the most mundane and trivial problems, but they are problems that we all have encountered—and that’s where the humor and heart from the show originates. ABG is simply about embracing the “awkward” person in each and every one of us and learning to accept and love ourselves for who we are.
Episode 2: The Office
Episode 3: The Hallway
There are more episodes of this fabulous program on Issa Rae’s link below and we intend to feature them here periodically as we expand on our PGTV Network here in the Garden.
So what did you think?