A haunting tale of longing, Kwesi experimented with creative collaborations of verse and image.
A mystical narrative, Conjurer arouses personal recollections of one’s own yearnings.
It is touching and intense and afrosensual.
Do you feel her pain?
Kwesi Abbensetts is a South American born photographer, hailing from the country of Guyana. In 2006 while in his final year of film school at Brooklyn College, Kwesi purchased a FUJI 5600 digital camera and from thereon his love for photography blossomed. Photography gave him the immediacy that was missing from film. A self taught photographer, Kwesi had no prior formal training. Having traveled around the Caribbean, Kwesi has shot travel photography in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. Being self taught has allowed Kwesi to create and shape his own individual template that is identifiably distinct when it comes to creating images.Contact: 862 438 3058 • [email protected]