Thirty Minutes in the Garden is a name that can be misleading. For example, it started out as an attempt to do a shoot in 30 minutes but quickly evolved in taking an hour and a half; this happens nearly every time and this was no different. Also, it doesn’t typically take place in a literal garden. We’ve done it in various natural locations but the Garden is more representative of an afrosensual diaspora. We thrive in urban settings as well as natural ones with the missionary zeal that our beauty belongs everywhere. The look, the theme, for this shoot was to create play for the ‘wet t-shirt pinup’ concept that was fun but I wanted it to be a little darker and shadowy than the typical.
A soaked t-shirt and a tub filled with water were the toys we played with that day. Luna, always creative and uninhibited was, very much in the mood to spend thirty minutes in the Garden in this wet and wild escapade. She was the playful tease that does what natural to her: daring you to come out of your comfort zone and play with her. Don’t you want play?
30 Minutes in the Garden…hmmm. Maybe we should call it something different. Once you’ve spent time in Pangea, it’s very clear that 30 minutes is not enough.

When it comes to art, food, fashion, health, fitness music, culture and society Pangea’s Garden continues to bring you the culture that cultivates. We actively strive to be your Afrosensual nexus of ideas, images, commentary, participation and events that inspire, provoke, entertain and actively engage you. If you love what you see here and desire to see more, please consider signing up for a premium membership. It grants you access to ALL of the Garden’s content and you will be one of the Cultivators of the vision that we’ve ALL planted & grown in Pangea.
The Afrosensual Aesthetic is the GardenVoice that pushes the limits and deepens the perspective. It is still be done from a position of respect, pride and joy, but here we will be able to explore themes that don’t quite fit within the earthSista box. Its is a place for the sensual lovermakers and the premium cultivators. Check it out and share your thoughts and ideas and passions.

Pangea’s Nature Stroll Series… The moments are unique and timeless. There is a symphony of scents and sounds as well as visions that intertwine to create and extraordinary body of stimuli. When you are there, you can’t help but be inspired by God’s design. this was the backdrop for the beautiful women who have all taken part in this extraordinary rich series of images that are still never ending. Momentary strolls that were reflective, imaginative, provocative and creative led to some revealing moments in which beauty both inside and out was exposed.

Dammmmmmmmmmmmn she is GORGEOUS! <3