“Hey let’s go on a trip!”
I was tricked. Next thing I know I’m standing in a boat getting pictures taken of me.
I’ve never been photogenic. I rarely take selfies. My close friends were there, though. And with their encouragement and advice I finally opened up and had a good time. The occurs revealed a side of myself that I hadn’t really seen before. That was the best part.
– earthSista OroroOroro was, cautiously, open. Maybe it was because she’d been an artist’s model in the past or maybe it was because she was surrounded by some of her closest friends (or maybe both), the young, soft-spoken amazon was matter-of-fact comfortable in her own skin as we strolled around the lake at Pangea’s secret garden. But the concepts of the Garden were relatively new to her at the time and her cautiousness was born out of concern regarding the purpose of the images we create.
We were determined to create artistry. Ororo was motivated. I was inspired.
–Vincent, the humble GardenerSince these images were taken, Ororo has worked with us to create wonderful works since then. She’s already appeared in our Primal Paint excursions with Bobby Williams of WillowBMedia, in which she was featured. This moment was the merely her calm before the Storm.