A while back, I paid a visit to earthSista WildOrchid’s place. It was right after she’d gotten a new tattoo, I believe. I was always arguing with her about her hair at the time. She is such a rebel.Anyway, this is just a moment, at her place at the time, on her back deck. Being silly and playful about hair and tattoos.
pgp257: UdoU… BelaMenina
pangea, , Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, BelaMenina, Sekhmet, selfie, udou, UdoU Series, 3
-Beautiful: Delighting The Senses Or Exciting Intellectual Or Emotional Admiration . -Disaster: A Grave Misfortune. Well, I Pretty Much...
PrincessYEME… a soul music interlude
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, earthSista, earthSistas in the Garden, nude, ole school, PrincessYEME, urban, urbanista, YEME, 2
It’s just a moment. As the morning clouds hang heavy, threatening to spill their tears, YEME lounged lazily amongst...
WGO? Celebrating 420…
vincent, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, What's Going On?, 420, cannabis, culture, earthSistas, hemp, smoke, society, weed, weed day, 0
420 means many things to many people, myself included. I first heard the term 420 when I was in...
pgp248: Errika is an Earth Angel…
pangea, , Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, art photography, Earth Angel, Erikka, glamour, model, natural beauty, natural black girls, natural hair, photography, 4
Erikka, the Earth Angel My good friend had a sample from a company selling natural pregnancy and birthing products....
FlowerChild… beauty by the lake
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, breasts, FlowerChild, GRFC, Lakeside, locs, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nature, Nature Stroll Series, nude, TCV Photography, 2
Typically, earthSista FlowerChild is joined by earthSista GreenRose in her sets for the Garden but on one occasion she...
EmJae… a fetish simply beautiful
vincent, , PGTV, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, art photography, color, emjae, fetish, music, video, 0
At the end of a day of shooting EmJae wandered to the dark side of the Garden. It was...
pgp445: earthSista Sunflower… freedom blossoms interlude
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, bloom, blossom, earthSista, flowers, Kenya Durden, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nude, petite, studio, Sunflower, 1
Sunflowers always have to step into the light. It’s how they bloom. That is what this new earthSista did....
LuvJonez… an afrosocial at the Apache Cafe
vincent, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, afrosensual, AfroSocial, Apache, Apache Cafe, art photography, black love, colour, luvjonez, Raine, Ricky Havoc, SistaLove, TinaAtl, urban, WildOrchid, 0
It about that hunger that needs to be fed; that thirst that needs to be quenched. LuvJonez. At the...