“Well, since I’m in town, I was wondering if you want to do a photoshoot.”
“Yeah! Let’s do it. I am free at the end of the week.”
“Uh yeah, I, like, leave tomorrow afternoon…?”
Yeah that was me LOL! Hey it happens!!
That’s how my shoots with Zllen have been: total impulse. When I am talking to her in a text conversation like the one above, I can imagine her sleepy eyes, her hypnotic glare and cultured locs, talking with flat expression and half-serious face as if last minute impulses were just a thing that everybody did.
But Zllen’s a muse; inspiration pure and simple. I was able to create an opening in my schedule so… why not?
The entire experience was spontaneous so we grabbed what we had on hand and met up at Cascade Preserve in Atlanta. She had some fabric wraps. I had some Pangea’s swag. We made do and it was more than fun.