It could been a reunion… but it wasn’t.
Pangea hadn’t had a true Afrosocial in nearly two years, but it shouldn’t be called a reunion. Maybe it should be called a refresh. A reunion is a ritualize event occurring maybe once year, reminiscing about great days gone by. And maybe Pangea should do something like that, once in while, but that was not what this day was about.
This was an opportunity for our community to revitalize itself through the fresh inspiration of celebrating Afrosensuality. With an eye towards safety, Pangea took the first steps of bringing back that “different kind of datenight” and it began better than expected.
earthSistas Willow, SunKissed and Ambrosia were MUSES for other to CREATE ART. No Bella the Artist hosted that sensual Paint&Sip that all were invited to participate to CREATE ART. And one of our guest was bold enough to step to the stage with the earthSistas, strip down and BE THE ART. All are invited to do that well.
So this was definitely not a reunion. It was not a night of reflection; it was a night of inspiration. It wasn’t a rare annual event because the Afrosocial returns on Thursday Feb 18. And it will be a LuvJonez.
Stay tuned. Peace and love.
Embrace that Garden Life
Pangea’s Afrosocial is a kickback (a real life hangout) that celebrates afrosensuality through interactive, creative, sensual experiences. It’s that different kind of date night that is designed to are arouse, provoke and inspire you. Bring your beloved, bring your girls, bring your boys – because it is a night of joy that is best shared.
Pangea’s Gardener was joined by John Crooms of JCrooms Photography and Kenya Durden of SV Afterdark Photography in the creations of these images with styles and adornments provide by Yaisa the SunGoddess. Check out all of their IGs through the banner links below.

EarthSistas in nature; what could be better inspiration? Momentary strolls that were reflective, imaginative, provocative and creative leading to some revealing moments in which beauty both inside and out are exposed. And with this exposure… through this unveiling… there is a serenity. There is a euphoric communion with nature that is liberating. And whether she’s a country girl or urbanista, all of the earthSistas seem to find a moment of peace that, like their beauty, is inside and out.

The Afrosensual Aesthetic is the GardenVoice that pushes the limits and deepens the perspective. It is still be done from a position of respect, pride and joy, but here we will be able to explore themes that don’t quite fit within the earthSista box. Its is a place for the sensual lovermakers and the premium cultivators. Check it out and share your thoughts and ideas and passions.

What is your Afrosensual Portrait? Were you feeling cute one day, on your way out the door…or just getting out of the shower…so you break out the camera and snap away…No one around to make you feel like you have to pose this way or that way… So you just do you and snap away… Well, show us how you see yourself in your camera… The UdoU Series focuses on how Sistas see themselves; creating captures of their own Afrocentric beauty and sensuality. We invite you to participate by using your own SLR camera or your Point-and-Shoot Kodak, even your camera phone. We want you to capture you.

When it comes to art, food, fashion, health, fitness music, culture and society Pangea’s Garden continues to bring you the culture that cultivates. We actively strive to be your Afrosensual nexus of ideas, images, commentary, participation and events that inspire, provoke, entertain and actively engage you. If you love what you see here and desire to see more, please consider SUBSCRIBE for a premium membership. It grants you access to ALL of the Garden’s content and you will be one of the Cultivators of the vision that we’ve ALL planted & grown in Pangea.
