At a relatively steady pace they all trickled in over the span of a couple of hours. Coming out...
A luvjonez foreplay – lil’ smoke & colour
vincent, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, black love, color, earthSista, foreplay, hippie, incense, luvjonez, nude, PrincessYEME, sex, Shemar, TREE, weed, YEME, 0Patchouli oil botanicals and dark temptation incense spice the air as YEME and TREE posed and played. Neon blue and...
PrincessYEME… a soul music interlude
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, earthSista, earthSistas in the Garden, nude, ole school, PrincessYEME, urban, urbanista, YEME, 2It’s just a moment. As the morning clouds hang heavy, threatening to spill their tears, YEME lounged lazily amongst...
Food, drink, music and muses… an AfroSocial
vincent, , The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, AfroSocial, Anthony Westmoreland, Apache, Apache Cafe, Art Monday, Heather Lashun, HOMEGROWN, PrincessYEME, Raine, Ricky Havoc, Thomas Tulis, urbanista, WildOrchid, YEME, 0a personal account… “Come out of the rain and be inspired.” That was the tag I shared in one...
a LuvJonez Valentine…
vincent, , PGTV, Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, Afrosensual Aesthetic, AfroSocial, Apache Cafe, black love, Combi, luvjonez, Masai, PGSoul, pgtv, PrincessYEME, soundcheck, WildOrchid, YEME, 0Darius Lovehall: Say, baby… can I be Your slave? I’ve got to admit girl you’re the shit girl…and I’m...
A night of FELA at Apache Cafe
vincent, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrobeat, AfroSocial, Apache Cafe, breasts, FELA, Nambi, nude, PrincessYEME, RavenD, RavenDesdemona, WildOrchid, YEME, 0Vincent Apache Cafe has always been my joint. If you’ve been here in Pangea for a while then you...
FELA’s muses at the Apache Interlude
vincent, , Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, Afrosensual Aesthetic, AfroSocial, Anthony Westmoreland, Apache Cafe, Art Monday, Bobby Williams, Dave Evans, Devon Barrington Allen, FELA, Keenan Wright, Lennie Reid, Nambi, RavenD, Seats Yesyes, WildOrchid, YEME, Zdany Chisholm, 1Vincent I really should not say this but Pangea’s events are the bane of my existence. I mean it,...
pgp354: Sweaters, stockings and garters, oh my!
Sindel, , earthSista blogs, Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, Bobby Williams, earthSista blogs, earthSistas, Nambi, Ororo, RavenDesdemona, sweaters, WildOrchid, YEME, 0Sindel I am going to be bold and say that I feel like the Garden became a “kinda-sorta” active...
Sunday night in the Garden… prelude to Apache
vincent, , Photos, The Pangea's Garden Project, culture, GardenSunday, KieraSati, PrincessYEME, YEME, 0When we speak of “the culture that cultivates an afrosensual aesthetic” do you know what we mean? As we...
YEME… on the seventh floor
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, earthSistas in the Garden, earthSs, es imageset, fro, high rise, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nude, PrincessYEME, TCV Photography, urban, YEME, 2Concrete mountains with soulless glass eyes bore witness to earthSista YEME‘s afrosensual display. On a Sunday afternoon in downtown...