You only are free when you realize you belong no place — you belong every place — no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great.
~Maya Angelou
For me, the day leading up to Pangea’s night at the Apache Cafe was a tense one. It typically is; bringing together the earthSistas, getting everything together, letting everyone know that what’s going and not knowing, until you are in the middle of it, that it’s all working out. Yet as the night continued and everything seemed to be going okay, the unexpected happened. TAJ walked into the door. A rebel leader, a true earthMama, a life-saver, a fire fighter, the woman epitomizes the very beauty celebrated in the Garden. I’d met her some years ago at an event where my consciousness had been heightened and my awareness was being raised. It was a Black August/Happily Natural Day event and she was one of the hosts. That night I met a woman that you didn’t just step to, she was a woman you stepped up to.

TAJ was one of the hosts at a CREW LOVE performance that was part of the Happily Natural/Black August event in 2010
When I asked her what made her come out. She said “you invited me!” This was true, I did invite her as I had done several times in the past. But that was the night she decided to show and I was inspired. And I wasn’t the only one. So while the earthSistas posed on the podium up front, I, along with several other photographers created captures of her in the back. And as the night neared close and the earthSistas began to call it a night, TAJ stepped to the podium and posed for the artists as well. It was a great night.
I spoke to TAJ about creating some images for the Garden and she graciously agreed. Look to see her 30 Minutes in the Garden feature here soon.
Always inspired
Absolutely beautiful