… with a single, delicate touch, the frustrations of a day’s trials began to ease away…
The nubile GoddessYEME dipped her hands into the oils and generously embraced her KING. The young earthSista, rhythmically moved her body across his with an almost nurturing affection. Each motion eased his pain; every rub… every stroke forced the tensions away and for another night, she soothed his pains away. His pleasure became hers, figuratively and literally, as he, decidedly, returned the favor.
And while it would have been so easy for this experience to have escalated to the sexual, it didn’t. It wasn’t about that. They shared each other’s pains and pleasures. It was about empathy and intimacy. An intimate commitment. Nuru.
This is just a sampling of outtakes from a photo feature we did some time ago. To see check out the UNIHIBITED version of this set click on GoddessYEME and her uneasy King.

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The Afrosensual Aesthetic is the GardenVoice that pushes the limits and deepens the perspective. It is still be done from a position of respect, pride and joy, but here we will be able to explore themes that don’t quite fit within the earthSista box. Its is a place for the sensual lovermakers and the premium cultivators. Check it out and share your thoughts and ideas and passions.