Spring is the season change and rebirth.
In that spirit of metamorphosis and growth earthSista Nfinite has blossomed into earthSista NikkiVonNu. And Nikki’s afrosensual self-portrait is that of a pin-up girl.
“My photos reveal a love for pin up inspired looks as well as images that showcase Afrocentric beauty. I reside in a place that is the intersection between classy, sexy, and natural.”
–earthSista NikkiVonNuA photographer in her own right, NikkiVonNu was somewhat discerning when it came to finding a photographer to fulfill the second part of her UdoU project. When she met with Bobby Williams of WillowB Media who was already inspired by her beauty she knew she had found the perfect artist to collaborate with. She was already familiar with his works so when it all came together, earthSista Serene joined the collaboration and together they created these inspired works of NikkiVonNu’s vision of her own afrosensual beauty.
A beauty shared.
The UdoU Series is a tw0-fold project set. It focuses on how Sistas see themselves; creating captures of their own Afrocentric beauty and sensuality. They may use an SLR camera or your Point-and-Shoot Kodak, even your camera phone. It begins with you capturing you. The images are posted to The Pangea’s Garden Project (Pangea’s main blog) with the intent of follow-up with an artistic shoot by an inspired professional photographer. NikkiVonNu’s set is only the first and as more are in the planning stages, we reach out to YOU. If you are a sista who would like to create her own UdoU or if you are a photographer who would is inspired by the series, we want to hear from you. Send us an email at [email protected].