Pangea’s Camera Club was a new thing in 2022. Born out of previous social engagements that Pangea’s Garden had been a part of or sponsored over the years, Pangea’s Camera Club started in last January with the intent of meeting up at least once a month in studio for a social photo shoot experience. During one of the club’s Instagram chats, one of the photographers, Erroll of Godcentric Imagery, mentioned is location shoot on a horse ranch near Metro Atlanta and proposed the idea of sharing that shooting experience with the Club; and a escapade was born.
The type of environmental photography experience was not unlike the nature strolls that are a part of Pangea’s Garden, and the addition of people-friendly horses was an extraordinary plus. When our MUSES asked about the look and styling for the shoot, Spencer from Spencer Charles Photography stepped up and answered their questions. And just like that, it all came together.
Photographers and Muses from the Metro Atlanta community and beyond all came out to be a part of the adventure. Some were very daring; they had come out and participated, having no idea what to expect. Others had hovered around in the past, feeling too timid to join in prior to now. And there was a wide mix of creatives in front of and behind the lens all amid various levels of creativity and community in this endeavor.
This is just a few of the images they shared in the community of that beautiful day. Much love and thanks for all of the extra efforts on the part of Godcentric Imagery, Spencer Charles Photography, SV Afterdark Photography, earthSista Nahid and the Wild Creek Ranch. All were key to make the experience rewarding.

Black Diamond Photography – Natalie John on Instagram
GL Smith Photography on Instagram
John Crooms Photography on Instagram
JC Barger Photography on Instagram
Pangea’s Gardener on Instagram
Spencer Charles Photography on Instagram
The Sensual Scorpio on Instagram
If you are not in Atlanta that’s great!
Sign up and let start the process of creating a chapter in your area.