Vincent A while back, Pangea’s Fam had a smoke social at earthBrotha KING’s house. For us a Smoke Social...
Archive for category: The Afrosensual Aesthetic
The Afrosensual Aesthetic is the GardenVoice that pushes the limits and deepens the perspective. It is still be done from a position of respect, pride and joy, but here we will be able to explore themes that don’t quite fit within the earthSista box. Its is a place for the sensual lovermakers and the premium cultivators. Check it out and share your thoughts and ideas and passions.
pgp417: Being the art at Pangea’s AfroSocial
vincent, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, AfroSocial, Akonga, Apache Cafe, art photography, Artists, Ashaunti, BeTheArt, datenight, James Curtis Barger, nightlife, photographers, Sun Goddess Jewelry, SunKissed, Yaisa, 0Pangea’s AfroSocial has always been an interactive experience. Based on Atlanta’s Apache Cafe ArtMonday event, it originally began as...
Nambi blue… an Apache Interlude
vincent, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, afrosensual, AfroSocial, Apache, Apache Cafe, art, Art Monday, artist model, beauty, blue, breasts, darkskin, earthSista, inspiration, MUSE, Nambi, natural, urbanista, 1Pangea has hosted an AfroSocial-style event since November 2013. Originally based on Atlanta’s Apache Cafe’s ArtMonday event, it has,...
WildOrchid and Simone … Hedo: Wet 1
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, afro, afrosensual, Afrosensual Aesthetic, art photography, beauty, black love, breasts, colour, earthSista, earthSistas, erotic, lesbian, locs, love, lust, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nude, sex, Simone, SimoneMonet, SistaLove, urban, urbanista, wet, WildOrchid, 0An Artist, a Designer, a Photographer and now a Blogger, I don’t know the word that describes what I...
Moments when love is love…
emeraldphoenyx, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, CrazyRaisinBuns, earthSista, interracial, lesbian, love, loveislove, Phoenyx, poetry, SistaLove, 0How do you cradle tears and happiness in trembling hands? How do you remain vigilant when you have to...
pgp412: A Rose Is Still A Rose
Fitbody Kellz, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, Africa, aretha franklin, art, artistic nudes, black, black women, egypt, Garden, god, goddess, Kellz, KING, love, nature, nudes, Nurture, photography, queen, Rose, 0The Soul of Aretha Franklin and divine femininity of the African Goddess is what inspired this series. A rose...
What was the original sin, really?
vincent, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, afrosensual, breasts, darkskin, earthBrotha, earthSista, lightskin, locs, natural, nature, Nature Stroll Series, nude, Seven, Shemar, wild, 0So I am on this promotional photoshoot for our event that is happening tomorrow and I have a pretty...
pgp411: earthSistas in a Colour and Nude Interlude
Kenya Durden, , Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, The Pangea's Garden Project, Adessa, adorned, beauty, Blvckbirdi, color, colour, earthSista, earthSistas, nude, studio, 1A while back, I ran this workshop for the Garden. The intent was to enhance expressive nudes with colour...
Namün & Phoenix… Lofty pursuits
vincent, , earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, afrosensual, authentic, black love, blackness, breasts, earthSista, earthSistas, intimate, lesbian, lesbianlove, loveislove, melanin, Namün, natural, natural beauty, naturalbeauty, nude, Phoenyx, SistaLove, urban, 1She wanted to make her smile. Phoenyx did. In that moment when the stresses of the day just didn’t...
Blowing Smoke…the 4/20 session
vincent, , earthSista Luna Moonuh, earthSistas in the Garden, Photos, The Afrosensual Aesthetic, 420, afrosensual, Alluris, blunt, breasts, earthSista, earthSistas, lesbian, Luna, marijuana, Namün, nude, Raine, RootedDeeply, sage, SimoneMonet, SistaLove, smoke, Smoke&Colour, weed, 1Ah, 4/20 has finally come again! In true Garden Life fashion, we had to put together a shoot and...