So I am wrapping up this shoot with MoEss (the earthSista formerly know as MoreEssence) and Chadoe. We had just completed a beautiful nature shoot with the fashion designer HarvestGirl (damn, I just realized I have shown those to you yet and they were BEAUTIFUL. I’m gonna have to fix that!) Anyway, I got a call from the artist John Glover asking me if I intend to attend his party three days later on the rooftop of his factory loft apartment in Atlanta. I said yes and he reminded me that I was supposed to ask around for sistas who might want to be bodypainted for the event. I asked MoEss and Chadoe and the rest is history.

It disorganized and fabulous. The roof was cool and the skyline made for a beautiful backdrop. A large canvas was brought up and all the patrons at the party stepped up and painted on it. Three more sistas stepped up prior to event wanting to be painted and since then two of the have become earthSistas with image sets coming soon.

During event MORE sistas asked to be painted but it just wasn’t in the cards. And we tentative decided to do another sometime in the near future. I took pictures of course and had hard time narrowing down the number of images I could share on the site. Suffix to say there will be an additional set of images from the gathering coming in the near future.

In the meantime, check these out, leave a comment about what you think and let me know if you want us to bring the Body Paint Art Party to you.


EarthSistas in nature; what could be better inspiration? Momentary strolls that were reflective, imaginative, provocative and creative leading to some revealing moments in which beauty both inside and out are exposed. And with this exposure… through this unveiling… there is a serenity. There is a euphoric communion with nature that is liberating. And whether she’s a country girl or urbanista, all of the earthSistas seem to find a moment of peace that, like their beauty, is inside and out.

The Afrosensual Aesthetic is the GardenVoice that pushes the limits and deepens the perspective. It is still be done from a position of respect, pride and joy, but here we will be able to explore themes that don’t quite fit within the earthSista box. Its is a place for the sensual lovermakers and the premium cultivators. Check it out and share your thoughts and ideas and passions.


When it comes to art, food, fashion, health, fitness music, culture and society Pangea’s Garden continues to bring you the culture that cultivates. We actively strive to be your Afrosensual nexus of ideas, images, commentary, participation and events that inspire, provoke, entertain and actively engage you. If you love what you see here and desire to see more, please consider signing up for a premium membership. It grants you access to ALL of the Garden’s content and you will be one of the Cultivators of the vision that we’ve ALL planted & grown in Pangea.


  1. blaq buttaphly 15 years ago

    please let us know when there will be another one!!!

  2. cherish simpson 15 years ago


  3. Sepia 15 years ago

    This is something I’d love to be a part of! Great pictures, Vincent!

  4. Azmera HarvestGirl 15 years ago

    yes ~
    the body paint is oh so beautiful~
    luvly night~

  5. Author
    vincent 15 years ago

    @ Cherish! Girl, I think your pics speak for themselves

    @ Erica & Sepia, We need to do another one don’t you think?

    @Azmera, I really wish you could have stayed. Hey where is Liberation? Does she know this is up!

    Look for Part Two soon!!!!

  6. Sepia 15 years ago

    @ Vincent…yes!

  7. Liberation 15 years ago

    Beautiful Work!Thank you for the opportunity to display my artistry..1love

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